Sunday, 12 July 2009

Couch Potato and the Grease Monkeys

Another day on the couch....sigh....

Throughout the day, different family members came in to tell me of their progress; Number One Son was working on a beam for the shop's kitchen ceiling. Once the beam is in situ, we can add the ceiling panels. He had welded the beam, and was ready to clean and paint the welds. Later, he came in with a fully cut out stainless steel sink bench - complete with sticky plastic protective covering. This will be our prep sink bench. The hand-washing sink has already been made.

The Machinist and second daughter had been cutting into the cement floor to lay brand new plumbing and floor wastes. They had tested over 14 drains and lets just say they were satisfied to discover that all roads lead to Rome - ie - the grease trap and / or septic tanks and not just disappear underground or reach a 'Y' junction and not know which way to flow. During the course of the experiment, one particular drain proved difficult to clear and an arm was needed to extend into the hole and dislodge an unseen 'blockage'. And it wasn't the Machinist's arm that went down the hole, either. "Mam, I pulled this huge chunk of solidified fat out of the drain. It was massive. It was black coated, but the cross-section exposed white, solid fat. I didn't dare breath, because if I had of caught a whiff, that would have been job; over".

"Oh, and seeing as you weren't there, I've taken a photo of it, 'cos I knew you would be interested"

Lovely. Just what I needed.

Now I'm raring to go. Tomorrow, Lordwilling, I want to be gunning it like greased lightening...

1 comment:

Housewife Savant said...

Oh my. I LOVE that child.
She took a picture.
Love. That. Child.


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....