What a pleasure to travel on hot days in a beautifully airconditioned car!
We went to the National Gallery of Australia:
The War Memorial:

The National Zoo and Aquarium:
We took a trip to the beach. Some of us swam, some paddled, some frolicked in rock pools and some, well - they just got sun burned.
Later in the Christmas break, the Machinist and I took a trip to Cooma, which is a town in the Snowy Mountains.
It wasn't snowing when we were there (ha!), and after passing through we descended the Brown Mountain, and spent the night at a quaint Bed and Breakfast, which was and still is the General store and Post office called The Two Storey B & B at Central Tilba
But... the one place that I truly adore and even dream about was the culmination of our travels, namely, the one and only Foxglove Spires Garden at Tilba Tilba.
What can I say? You can read more here.
I am truly besotted, especially as I read the creator and owner of the garden, Sue Southam's book: Velvet Pears.
And so, to bed! Where I can read more of these beautiful pages, and perhaps even dream of them!