Thursday, 6 March 2008

Musical Distractions

This is a pic of my dear Da on my son's drums. He and mam had come to visit for the day and just after lunch, while the Responsible Adults were chatting around the kitchen table, Number One Son started pelting on his musical instruments.

Drums. Guitar. Drums. Guitar. First a blast from one, then the other.

Not wanting to miss out on the fun and the action, Grandpa left the table, walked down the corridor and poked his head around his grandson's bedroom door, knocking half heartedly, while already propping his right foot between said door and doorframe. Then, he was in the room, with drumsticks in hand, still musing how much he prefered the Uke to any other instrument. He began to ra-ta-ta-ta on the drum, now and again clashing the cymbals with a mere flick of the wrist, while all the time, sporting a cat-eating-cream look on his face.

Not long into the jamming session with his grandson, Grandpa was left aghast, as Granny, having moved stealthily and swiftly across the room, gently took the drumsticks from her dearly beloved's hands and proceeded to have her turn at the set;

Here she is thrashing it out with Number One Son.

Note that granny has one of the girls' black aprons on. She won't work in the kitchen without it, so we make sure there are plenty of aprons in the drawers when Granny visits. We're getting a little worried now, though, as Granny's distraction is evident; she'd rather have fun with instruments than kitchen duty.

Sheesh, what's this world coming to?

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 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....