Monday, 1 June 2009


While we are waiting for the Machinist and Sam to put up walls and ceilings at the Shop, we are busying ourselves with chores at home, attempting to make life smoother for further down the track when we won't be at home as much as we are now. One of the most important things to organise is food for the family. My intention is to set up systems within the household that any one of us could use, at any time. We all have to be multi-skilled and flexible. I have plastic containers in my pantry, all labelled with the type of foodstuff contained therein. This way, I can see what is getting low, and it is easy for anyone else to 'grab 'n go'. This is the main pantry:

These are jars on the kitchen shelf, which I use mainly for cold cereal, sugar, rice and spaghetti storage:

This is my baking cupboard. Here's where I keep dried fruit, flours - including all purpose, tapioca, potato, buckwheat, corn, polenta, soy, and brown & white rice flour (for gluten free baking).

There is also Dutch chocolate, spices, custard powder, jellies, baking soda, baking powder etc.

I'm also working on the laundry room. More on that in following posts...


Housewife Savant said...

First off; I thought it was titled, "Panties."
I figured, "Helen's getting real today," and prepared myself for something shocking.

Then I realized/thought it said "Pasties" which may be hand-held [savory] pies or glue-on nipple decorations for strippers. Shocking indeed.

In the end it was a display of how industrious and organized you are, and I am a hopeless slacka**.

Thanks for sharing.

In all seriousness; my ridiculous pantry is in for a rude awakening after our kitchen overhaul.
It'll be "Ship Up or Shit Out." For sure.

@eloh said...

Confession Helen: Why the jars?

I have to even keep my salt in a sealed jar! There is no way to keep out the Southern Humidity. I'm also a bug a-phobic so everything is locked down tight. I can never stop the ants, some years we have them and some years not, nothing I do seems to make a difference. And palmetto bugs (the scourge of the south) I had people take one look and not stop running till they hit the Canadian boarder. They look like huge 2-3 inch cockroaches and they fly where ever they can get. Every season we will get four or five get in the house and I don't sleep until I have hunted it down.

Your jars made me think Uh-o wonder what Helen is battling.

@eloh said...

I just have a thing about spelling border wrong . . .

emilyclare said...

I have to admit... I felt very happy and comfortable in your well organised (and stocked) pantry; and don't even start me on those jars of cereals, pasta and nuts (you know I loved them too)


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....