Wednesday 29 October 2008

Progress On The Outside

I thought you might like to see progress on the exterior walls of the Shop To Be Known As METALSMITHERY AND THE DAILY PIE CAFE.

This is the eastern wall of the Shop. We have used a fire proof covering, as there will be a slow combustion heater inside.

Another shot of the eastern wall. To the left, the old fence which surrounds the Grand's cottage, to the right, part of the fire proof wall.

The eastern wall again. This time, you can see the walls, having been rendered, which keeps the whole building uniform. This shot is taken from underneath one of the car bays. The windows you see on this side of the Shop will remain glass.

Moving around the corner now to the front of the shop, which faces north. That writing on the windows has been there for over 14 years. Over time, vandals have broken in - hence - boards at the windows.
The full, northern frontal. This is where the bowsers were situated. There were two doors; one for the restaurant and one for the general store.
To the right of the front door, there were two entrances to the ladies' toilets, as well as a window. We boarded them up, ready for rendering.
Looking at the shop from the north west. This is how it looks after rendering.
The western wall. The door on the left was the gent's toilets, boarded, ready for rendering. The door on the right will be replaced, but this will become the kitchen entrance, for all food deliveries.
A longer shot at the north western wall, after rendering. See that cute ball of fluff? That's Blossom, with ears blowing in the westerly breeze.

This is the southern wall, which will also become the rear kitchen / bakery wall. Hot water systems, pumps, gas bottles and other utilities will be hidden here.
I hope you've enjoyed this mini tour of before and after rendering. The building still needs a lot of work, both outside and inside, but we're taking it all one day at a time.

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 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....