Friday, 3 October 2008

Off To Town

I love days like this.

Spring days. Days of hope and anticipation. Renewal of life in so many forms and in so many species.

We are all having an early mark from work. The Machinist is taking us into town. Oh, either of us could go to town at any time, but it is so much more FUN when the whole family go together. We'll probably have a late afternoon tea or early supper.
Maybe do some early Christmas shopping
There could even be the chance of a late movie

Must go - everyone is ready. And waiting for me....

1 comment:

The Journey said...

I've been watching bloglines with anticipation of your posting. I need to update my blog. It seems strange that you have the reverse seasons from us. It is fall here- the garden is just about finished. Anticipating tomorrow when our youngest calls us from the Marine posts, I am hoping since his next school is backed up he will get to come home and help the recruiter.
dh may go on business trip. Wish you were nearby I'd say bring the girls, we will have a slumber party, so much to do, so much to visit about! sending hugs from my side of the world.


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....