Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Another Main Player

Happy birthday to my first-born daughter, Emma-Lee, who we renamed "Zola Bud" when she was three years old, 'cos she could run barefoot with the same speed.  Things are different now, though, as she would rather create 3D images and dream of Pixar.  Lots of love, me Emsie.  Mwaaah xx


French Fancy... said...

Happy birthday oh daughter of blogger. You look lovely

Alan Burnett said...

Happy birthday . May you grow up to be as charming as your mother obviously is.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Happy Birthday Emma-Lee/Zola Bud. I think those are lovely names and you are a lovely young lady. May your year be filled with love, peace and happiness.


Josephine Tale Peddler said...

Happy Birthday! Your daughter has such beautiful eyes Helen! Does she look like you? xx

Helen said...

FF - Thanks for the birthday wishes.. I have passed them on to her. She's delighted.

Alan - How can I not help but love what you write? smiles...

Flowerlady - Thankyou for the birthday wishes. I'm glad you like the names.. tee hee... Can you remember the Zola Bud / Mary Decker incident?

Josephine - Yes, Emma's eyes are beautiful aren't they? She is so funny and full of wit. We larf a lot. And yes - she's the only child that looks like me. The other two look like the Machinist, even though they have certain body parts that are "mine" or "his". Oops.. I'd better not disclose them, 'cos it's a constant source of hilarity and embarrassment.


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....