Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Today, We Relax

It looks as if a storm is approaching from the west.  The dogs sense it - large pupils, pacing, panting.  It's muggy inside.  A variety of birthday scents fill the house; bubble bars, soaps, essential oils and fizzy bombs.  In the kitchen there's still a lingering aroma of buttery lemon herby chicken, baked yams and carrots, sauteed cabbage and potato mash (pontiacs).  This is overpowered by the familiar baked chocolate sponge cake - a prerequisite for the finale black forrest with chocolate ganache.

We're off to town to see a movie and the thought of an air conditioned theaterette is promising.  The Grands won't be accompanying us, as we usually return way past their bedtime.  They like nothing more than to have the security of a routine, which anchors and comforts them in their later years.

Today, there is no guilt, for it is the celebration of a birth. Today, we relax.  Today, we live like kings and queens.


ADRIAN said...

TMW, have a good time, sure it's a storm or have the dogs been at your herb garden. The symptoms are vaguely familiar from a misspent youth.

Helen said...

Adrian, thanks. Yes, the storm was lovely. The dogs do get in the herb garden, despite it being fenced. But hey, you're a good boy now. That's all that counts... Isn't it?

Batteson.Ind said...

sounds good to me!.. a bit of stifling heat and chocolate cake... I haven't had either for far too long.... *dreams......

Helen said...

Watercats - thing is - the chocolate cake was melting as quickly as I was putting it together. The cream in the middle of the sponges was the right texture, but that on top - let me just say - someone asked "what's with the cream cheese on top?"


Honestly, give me cold, rain and snow anytime. At least you can dress to keep warm. When you've got this heat, it's hard to keep (your) cool..ha ha...

Alan Burnett said...

Wonderfully atmospheric, I could smell that storm coming and that chocolate cake.

French Fancy... said...

I can almost smell your lovely kitchen from here. Have a great time and come back with a film review

matron said...

You have such a wonderful gift for describing atmosphere,I could smell and taste your meal,it was delicious !!
I do not envy the heat you have at the moment,I do not tolerate muggy heat well.Except for the huge amount of rain we have had this year,the Irish climate suits me down to the ground.
Hope the Machinist did not fall over his umbrella again !!!

John Atkinson said...

The mention of all the goody food made me hungry. I could smell it all the way here in the US of A. Have fun, but I guess you're back home by now!

Ken Devine said...

Very atmospheric...nice to read the smells. Hope you had a good time because it sounds like you both need and deserve it. Be sure to let us know what you went to see.


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....