Sunday 14 April 2013


It is the eve before they start building our new Workshop.  The Machinist has, for the most part, prepared all he can before the builders' arrival.  He and the lads have moved tons and tons of soil and roadbase, in efforts to heighten the land which runs alongside our house on which the Workshop will 'sit'.  A pad, if you will. 

I have meant to take many photos of the paddocks beyond our land.  When we stand on the back deck, we can see such beauty for miles, it seems.  The willows, the tussocks, the variety of gum trees, the hills and my favourite scene of all and one which I've posted on before - the three dead trees which look as if they are performing modern dance, while having an air of the wise prophets of old.  Very soon, this view will no longer be. 

Instead, a growing business.  A family legacy.  Scary, yet challenging.  Challenging, yet scary.  Like many before us, everything on the line. 

But by the Grace of God go I (we).

1 comment:

English Rider said...

The scenery will still be there. You will have to walk around your new building in order to see it. You will enjoy it even more for that effort. Plan B would be to paint a picture (take a photo) and bring it inside.
Family businesses seem to go from one do or die decision to the next. You have done so much already. No doubts here. You will succeed and grow. (Who needs sleep?)


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....