Sunday, 22 May 2016

While We Were Fasting

While my daughter and I have been on a juice fast, I've made sure that there were good wholesome meals available for the Machinist.  Preparation in advance has been such a help.  Mealtimes have been a breeze (not to mention - clean up).

Whatever I've served to the Machinist is exactly what I intend to carry on with now that my juice fast is complete.   And so - these healthy meals that I've prepared have been somewhat of a mini 'experiment'.

I've been making these salads in a jar. I didn't believe it, but they truly do last up to five days in the fridge.  And.... they remain as crisp and fresh as when they first went into those jars!

Firstly, the mis-en-plas:

Then, to assemble the jars.  Firstly, a squirt of the Ranch Dressing, topped with a teaspoon of Basil Pesto.  Then, the layering of the vegetables.

Carrots, corn, onions and peas (the harder vegetables), followed by mixed capsicum, tomatoes, avocados (the softer vegetables [fruits]).  On top of this - cheese (in this photo,-  fetta cheese) and protein (in this photo - boiled eggs).  Finally - the sliced lettuce.

When tipping the jar onto a plate, the contents forms a mound of salad, topped with the dressing(s).

On top of this, I sprinkled sunflower seeds and pepitas.

Somedays, I served it with smoked trout.

Sometimes - with steak or smoked salmon.  Sometimes - with canned tuna and olives.  (I like to wrap the protein in portions, for quick and easy assembly).

Sometimes, I added jalopenos, sundried tomatoes, Sauerkraut and my own home made cultured vegetables.

More on that later....


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....