Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Last Efforts for the Festival

I keep on hearing "When the Carnival Is Over" by the Seekers in my inner ear. Instead, I want to sing "when the Festival is Over..."

Well, the Festival IS over and the last media release has been - released, which means we can now get back to 'normal life'.



They were abducted from their warm, sun-drenched patch, held captive for a weekend and are now liberated into the arms and bags of their new owners. Such is the life of a pumpkin; whether in perfect condition or mangled and deformed, nevertheless selected for either decoration, competition, or simply to be baked - all in the name of Festivity, and in particular - the 6th annual Collector Village Pumpkin Festival.

The theme for the Pumpkin Ball, was ‘Masks and Enchantment‘. A heated marquee protected its masquerading patrons from a frosty autumnal Southern Tablelands evening. Dining and wining were amply catered for, served on tables draped in white linen, adorned with glitter and star-sprinkled pumpkins. The dance-floor was a mass of gyrating pumpkin-lovers, disguised in masks as diverse as their personalities and geographical locations.

On Festival day, an array of transformed pumpkins sat atop trestle tables in the community owned Hall, central hub of Pumpkin Square. Their larger, heavier siblings sprawled across the hall’s floorboards, where small children delighted in conquering their heights. Entries for the Pumpkin Scones and Pumpkin Pie competitions lay in waiting for judgement.

Over seventy stalls of food, wine, crafts, plants, clothing and produce lined not only Pumpkin Square, but extended down Pumpkin Lane. The Old Church yard played host to vintage cars, bikes, steam engines, tractors, farm animals, rides and demonstrations.

Thus enabling a mass seduction of over eight thousand patrons…

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 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....