Tuesday, 5 January 2010


As always, one of my children have left me in awe.  Read this child's thoughts here.  I am so blessed!


Alan Burnett said...

I see that you have listed pies as one of your interests. I was going to mention Asda's Apple pies but your pie in the sidebar picture looks like it could beat their's. But to hell with pies and with England. You have a sweet, beautiful and talented daughter.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

That was beautiful! I can see why you are in awe. She really has a way with words, spoken from her heart.

You have a lovely and loving family.


Helen said...

Alan - you know that I'll now have to go and look up Asda's applie pies. I made an apple pie just the other day. I like the apples 'el dente' with almost caramelised brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, but the Grands didn't like it. Said it was 'raw' - ha - even after a long baking time. Thankyou for your compliments. My daughter is thrilled to hear from you.

Flowerlady - Thankyou for your continued support and sweetness! I've passed your message on to her as well. I hope she'll write more. It's fascinating for me to 'see' her view on the life we share together.


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....