This is my dad, aka "Gramps" or "Grandpa" (depending on who is addressing him). He is the older side of "The Grands". He has worked around the world as a coded welder, and his favourite saying is "Lincoln Bullet DC". He is referring to his favourite welder and method of welding. Can you see his welding gloves? The dirtier, holier, more used-looking the better. This fills him with a sense of achievement and convinces the unsuspecting that he has been working really hard.

This is the Machinist. I love to capture these action shots of him. He likes to play it cool, but I love to see the Machinist in the midst of sparks and flashes, looking so virile. He makes such an artful statement.
Another shot of the Machinist. Precision is his middle name.... "You, you light up my life...." tra la la ....
This is my favourite Number One son. (My only son). He was working on his hundredth frame. Can you see the enthusiasm written all over his face? Check out his kapuchi lips. Move over, Mick Jagger, the third generation Steel Basher's in town.
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