Friday, 7 August 2009


It's hard to think that in a month and a few weeks we'll be opening a pie shop in a small country village in rural Australia. From my humble beginnings in a street full of semi detached houses in the Midlands of England to what could seem, to many British folk - the middle of nowhere.

Obviously, the wilds of Africa weren't enough adventure for one lifetime...

Sometimes, Grandpa gets into a pensive mood and reflects on whether he did the right thing by uprooting his family from Old Blighty soil. I always like to remind him that had he not, we would have been born, raised and probably die in the same house in the same street... a thought I couldn't even contemplate.

Besides, I would never have met the Machinist and had the wonderful family I have today.

I'm thankful for my father's itchy feet...


Mrs. White said...

Very sweet.

Mrs. White

@eloh said...

The closer you get to opening the hungrier I get for pie...any pie.

If I lived even on the same continent, I'd be camped out in the parking lot.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I look forward to hearing all about your pie shop. Will you be doing all the making and baking yourself? How did you get into this? I wish you well and also want to see pictures of your shop inside and out.

Living in a small country village sounds wonderful to me.

Hugs ~ FlowerLady

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

Well, you may have stayed in that same street in England and met some Johnny Depp look alike millionaire or of course been run over by a truck! It's always fascinating to think about the alternate lives we may have lived isn't it? I nearly threw in my art school at one stage. In fact, I did and a woman (who became a close friend) spied me crossing the street and called me over on impulse, invited me for a coffee and to talk over my hasty decision. I was off to Byron Bay to live a glorious life in the sands. This friend (Artschool Annie) talked me into staying. Then Dear Reader I moved in with her friend who became the father of my child. I often think about that alternate life if she hadn't obeyed an impulse to call out to me. Perhaps I would have become an idle flame thrower or perhaps I would have met a rich film producer on holiday. Who knows? How fickle our fate can be!
Pleased to meet you Helen. Thanks for your lovely comment and I look forward to hearing about your pie-shop adventures. I'm so glad I'm not running a pie shop as I would look just like a pie I'm sure in a few weeks time! xx

Lisa Gioia-Acres said...

Ohhhhh, I'm so looking forward to reading all of your blogs! You will be taking me on wonderful adventures. Please send me a pie! Good luck with your grand opening.

Joyful said...

Seeing the world or living in different places expand's one's horizons. Look how much you and Grandpa (and family) have been able to experience due to Grandpa's decision to move to SA and onward :-) Best blessings with the pie shop.


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....