Tuesday, 4 August 2009

What Is It?

This sculpture is our next-door-neighbour.
Question: What is it?


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

That is a good question that I don't know the answer to. It is a very interesting piece and I would like to know the history of it.


Housewife Savant said...

You showed this when you gave us a tour of your village.
I didn't know then.
But I like(d) it anyway, which must make me one of those art appreciatin' people.
Highbrow even.

Helen said...

It can be anything you want it to be. There was going to be an art studio behind the 'facade', but the council halted work on it. No approval and they declared a 'stop work' order. All very nice if it were in the middle of a field somewhere, but right next door? - well - you be the judge

@eloh said...

It reminded me of the sculpture at Dachau...which reminded me of being there etc into a post.

Joyful said...

I don't know what it is but in looking at it, I thought it could be a representation of the Trinity (Father, son and Holy Spirit). It is kinda nice but I guess one may not want to look at it every single day, esp. if it is a large piece.


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....