Friday, 28 August 2009

The Daily Pie Blog

From hereon my intentions are to continue updating progress on the renovations to our Pie Shop bricks-and-mortar building, as well as our Test Kitchen escapades on a new blog - namely - The Daily Pie - .  If you wish, check there regularly.  Updates from my daughter, Sarah's point of view can be viewed on her blog -

We are truly grateful for your support and encouragement!

In Pies,
Helen, Emma-Lee and Sarah-Mechelle
(The Machinist and Samuel-son's talents will be showcased later at the Shop) 


@eloh said...

(The Machinist and Samuel-son's talents will be showcased later at the Shop)

That would be the "eating" of the pies in the name of "testing".

If only I were on the same continent...I'd buy me a suitcase full of clothes a few (many) sizes larger and come be a "tester".


emilyclare said...

Dear Helen, I've enjoyed reading this blog so much. Thank you for your thoughts, musings, photos and stories.

And I really can't wait to savour a daily pie or two or my own.

geraldgee said...

Really love your header picture!

DeniseinVA said...

Yes, if I lived near you, I think I would be in your shop all the time. I've just had English Sausages for breakfast today. There is a man who sells them to the tea room I used to work at and I have a friend who still works there who picked them up for me. He makes them in the US but to an English recipe and they are the closest we have ever come to tasting a bit of Old Blighty sausages. Good luck on your new venture.


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....