Thursday, 17 February 2011

Melbourne Day 4

We happened upon this beautifully laid out nursery on a main street in Brunswick. 

We enjoyed the variety of metal art the owner had on display.  I felt like Inspector Cluso with my camera taking these pics. I tried to snap them when the staff weren't around.  Otherwise, they could have thought i was one of those secret shoppers....

More sneaky product pics...

Aaah... customers.  Now I can take a few more shots

I have a 'thing' for this kind of gravel on garden paths. I love how neat it looks and the crunching sound it makes when you walk on it.

The Machinist is a poser.  When the girls saw this pic of him, they declared that all he needed was a little white collar and he could pass as a Catholic priest.  Naturally, the Machinist couldn't see it...


Sue said...

Is that an owl I spy in flight, in one of the pics? Brilliant!

Helen said...

Beautifully rusted sculptures - yes~

ian_rm27 said...

Thanks for these beautiful images and for letting me 'see' my city from a fresh perspective. I want to go to there!

The Duck Herder said...

oooh! I love the goat.


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....